Summary of the 2020 season

The 2020 ringing total at Revtangen stopped at 7598 birds. Most were ringed in the trapping garden around the station, but a little over 700 were trapped at Revtangen, where the trapping effort was consentrated at shorebirds and storm petrel.

Little Bunting had the best occurrence ever with 4 birds ringed.

The spring was generally cold, in particular March was poor and May was also dominated by northerlies and westerlies and generally few migrants around. July was also wet and windy, as was most of August. From late September and through October blue tits was a big problem, arriving in numbers never before seen. Trapping was seriously hampered by this, as the covid-19 situation prevented us from bringing in enough volunteers to handle the situation.

This young European Shag was caught with light during a nightly storm petrel ringing session.

Our handful of dedicated volunteers still made a fantastic contribution to the season by ringing around 700 shorebirds and a good number og storm petrels at Revtangen. The Bar-tailed Godwit colourringing project had 78 new birds added, a great result. Two species were trapped and ringed for the first time at Revtangen BO, European Shag and Citrine Wagtail. Eurasian Nuthatch was the only species with notable irruptive movements, with 21 birds ringed.

Summary of the 2020 season